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Writer's pictureDavid Downs

5 Benefits Why You Need to Hire a Freelance Content Writer

Your business is (well, in most cases) your pride and joy. It is in your best interests that everything you do for it helps the business grow and nurture a solid and satisfied customer base. It provides you and your employees with job satisfaction and continued revenue growth.

When running your business, marketing is as vital as making the product or service that you provide. It's as essential as the actual sales. How do your clients, users, and prospects even know that you exist without a proper marketing programme in place?

And so, you build a solid sales and marketing team. Or you are confident in running the marketing on your own? This is often the case with smaller and family-run businesses. If you run your marketing campaigns, build your website, post blogs, and run your own business, this can add to the burden of your workload, the stress to your day, week, month, or year. You start to find that working 36-hour days is just not sustainable to achieve everything you need to run your business successfully.

What is a Content Writer?

You've come up with a great marketing plan that will smash the competition and place you as the most outstanding provider of your service or products in the industry.


Your plan now needs to be executed. Probably in a short timeline, with a limited number of resources or maybe a limited understanding of the resources. You might be an expert in your chosen industry or field, but you might not necessarily be that confident or great at writing.

And that is perfectly OK. Jack of all trades and master of none doesn't always win the success stakes. A psychologist doesn't do brain surgery. An accountant doesn't build the house (unless he loves mixing cement and laying out the bricks).

So why would a business owner do all the writing?

It makes sense to work alongside a professional writer—someone who knows the craft inside and out and be the voice of your business. They can create exciting and engaging content with even the dullest of topics.

You then need to ask yourself, do you employ someone directly, have a marketing department, or do you work with someone on an ad-hoc basis? Yes, an outsourced freelance writer.

Why hire a freelance writer? Here are some reasons and benefits to your business to use a freelance content writer.

Benefit 1 - Professional Writers Save You Time

As a business owner, I know the complexities of running your own business. Not only are days spent developing my products, ensuring I maintain my expertise and qualifications, but I have to network, do my business development, create marketing plans for my own business, and write my adverts, blogs, articles and posts. I have to do my accounts, taxes, and IT. Yes, everything involved with running a business.

And then do a heap of writing, the service I provide, for my clients. In my personal experience, it can be tricky getting my blogs and digital marketing running with consistency. I always ensure my clients receive their service first.

It works the same in any industry or service. You are busy. You have your own goals to achieve.

Outsourcing the writing to a professional means spending more time focusing on your clients, your product, research and development, and staff. You can now leave the worry or blogging, writing web pages, finding the time to research, study, and find topics to write about to someone else.

Benefit 2 - A Professional Writer is an Expert in Writing

You are an expert in your business. A freelance writer is an expert in the world of writing. They will have spent time and money in training. They will continue allotting time to training to remain on top of their game and fully aware of new best practices and methods.

Imagine how the world of writing has changed in the last few decades. When I left school, computers were a new thing. There was certainly nothing like the internet today, let alone social media! For writers to be what they are today, learning how all this new technology worked was an exciting time.

There was no rulebook. We were part of the movement that wrote the book, and now we rewrite the book on what feels like a daily basis. This continuous understanding of digital marketing comes from training, reading, and networking with fellow freelance content writers and copywriters.

Content writers don't look at other freelancers as 'the competition'. They are a strong network where ideas are shared, best practices are developed, and even workload is spread. One writer might be offered a project that they might not be so strong on but can pass the work to a far better-suited writer and vice-versa.

Like me, freelance writers can be somewhat geeky when it comes to tools of the trade. It's not just about a pen and notebook anymore. Having said that, I can often be found lurking in certain stationery shops lusting after some fantastic notebooks, diaries, laminators and so on.

No, there are many digital tools today that help improve grammar and style, engagement, and clarity. There are tools to schedule social media posts; there are tools to collate all their work to help with Google ranking, SEO, and keywords.

You can rest assured that a content writer has researched each tool thoroughly and knows their way around the apps and tools like the backs of their hands.

If you are writing for your own business, you miss out on those benefits of experience, knowledge, and networking.

Benefit 3 - A Professional Content Writer will Write To Your Clients' Levels of Understanding

We know that you are an expert in your business. You know just about everything there is to know about your sector or industry, and nobody knows your business like you. That is great, but you are too close to your business to write with clarity. Your audience might not understand all the jargon, technical speak or other terms that, to you, seem ordinary and everyday.

By working with an outsourced writer, they can break the language down to a level that your chosen readership will more clearly understand. This isn't a fancy way of saying they will dumb down your business. It is simply writing with clarity without reducing the quality of the content.

Excellent communication is about how the message is received, not how it is sent out. A great content writer will know the right words to help your readers receive your message.

You can be confident that they have thoroughly researched your chosen topic. They will run the writing by you to ensure it touches all the key points and keywords. It will firmly stamp your position as an authority, one of the primary purposes for writing your article or blog.

Reason 4 - A Freelance Content Writer Understands SEO and Knows What Google Wants

The deep magic that is known as Google's algorithm has been a mystery to just about everyone since Google became the benchmark in search engine optimisation. The same goes for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Not even an experienced content writer knows how the algorithms work.

But a content writer has a good idea of what works and what doesn't. It comes from experience, the old networking game again, and constantly checking on how it works. They have access to tools to give a heads-up on current trends in the algorithm and SEO world. You will be able to build a following and higher ranking in searches online. You will start to be noticed in all sorts of places, and with more traction, more views, and more engaging content, you will build authority in your sector and, therefore, clients.

Your business will grow.

And again, some of this comes down to regularly and consistently putting out engaging content.

Do you have the time for this much work?

Benefit 5 - A Freelance Content Writer Can't Afford to Let You Down

Here is the bottom line. A freelance writer is generally the only person in their business. When you take away all the fluffy pieces of commerce, only one thing remains for a writer. If they let you down, they let their business down.

You will receive personal service as if you were the only client on Earth. This isn't in a desperate way. This is because they are passionate about their business, passionate about writing. Once they have written something for you, they will be passionate about your business.

You will get your article in plenty of time; it will be well crafted and focused not only on your business but also on your clients.

Freelance writers are a special breed. They have learnt the point where perfection ceases offering you a fabulous piece of writing. They won't keep playing around with the writing until it misses the deadline. You will, however, get an excellent and proofread article that will engage with your clients.

Why Do You Need a Freelance Content Writer?

Your online presence is often the first impression your prospective clients will get of you. We all know that first impressions count. You don't want to risk that impression to rushed writing that might not be as great a reflection of your business as you'd wish for. This is your chance to give something of your business to your readers in a way that they will understand and want to connect with.

Sure, you can do that all by yourself. Great content writers will bring in more revenue than they will cost, and you will have extra time on your hands to enjoy the fruits of your combined labours.

Remember this when you are sitting at your computer wondering what on Earth to write about. Or even wishing you had time to sit at your desk and write. Find a freelance content writer to remove unnecessary sweat and tears.

Find A Quality Freelance Content Writer

As it happens, I am a freelance content writer and copywriter. If any of the above situations speak to you, do give me a call or email me. I will be happy to offer a free consultation and see how we can work on a project to get your business some excellent and engaging content out there.


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